Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Convent de les Germanes Franciscanes de la Immaculada

This former convent and the adjacent property are part of the heritage of La Fundació Abargues, which is located in Plaça de L’Ajuntament (the Town Hall square) and was created by Sister Luisa Vives Abargues. Born in 1899, she joined La Congregació de Les Germanes de Loreto (Congregation of the Sisters of Loreto) at a young age. In 1933, the Franciscan Sisters known as Germanes Franciscanes de La Immaculada arrived in Benissa, replacing the Loreto sisters. When Sister Luisa passed away in 1937, she donated all her assets, including the former convent and the surrounding land, to establish La Fundació Abargues. The foundation's purpose was to educate the children and youth of Benissa in humane and Christian values, and Sister Luisa entrusted this responsibility to the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate. The municipality has contributed seven vocations to this congregation, which currently has three sisters.

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