Our heritage

Hermitages and churches

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Convent de les Agustines

In the 17th century, the religious interest of the Counter-Reformation favoured the creation and construction of convents. In 1616, a devout and pious individual named Lluc Espanyol made a donation of six plots of land outside the town walls with the purpose of building the convent which was known locally as Convent Mínim de Nostra Senyora de La Victòria i Sant Francesc de Paula.

Over the years, a large neighbourhood grew around the convent, indicating the urban and demographic growth of the town. The convent consisted of several buildings, including a two-story Renaissance-style cloister and the church, which had a large, rough stone façade, straight and vertical, facing the square. This entire complex was affected by the expropriation laws of the 19th century and was handed over to the Town Hall in 1841 for "schools, a Latin chair, prison, and granary". The convent was destroyed in 1936, and the Town Hall exchanged this plot of land, which is now occupied by the market.

On this spacious plot, the current convent was built in 1946 to accommodate the nun community of Les Agustines Descalces, and it was abandoned for good in 2003.

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