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Emblematic architecture

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Antiga font del Poble

The village fountain must have been one of the most appreciated amenities for the village population at times when there was no running water in the houses. The inhabitants had to fetch water from a fountain and in this case they didn’t have to go far. As such, it is not a surprise since most of the farmsteads of the Muslim period came into existence near one of these springs, so as to facilitate access to water. Nowadays, it is located in La Casa de Cultura in the middle of the village.

Going to the fountain to fetch water has been an activity that, until recently, could be seen in many villages. With their earthenware jugs, the women would walk to the fountain, filling them up to the top in order to have water for cooking, drinking, washing dishes or bathing.(1)

(1) Vall de Pop (2021). The town’s old fountain. Vall de Pop va de Sentits. Taken from https://www.vadesentits.com/antiga-font-del-poble

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