Our heritage

Archaeological sites

The stones here speak, because they are a part
of our past and a part of our present.


Abric de Pinos

The set of rock paintings in the Pinos shelter were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1998. These paintings showcase various figures. It is one of the most important shelters in the province of Alicante and is part of the Mediterranean Arc of Rock Paintings.

Within the shelter one can find Eva Pinera (immortalised some 6,000 years ago), one of the earliest female figures found in Valencian rock art. Eva Pinera is the name by which the residents of Benissa refer to the stylized representation of a prehistoric woman found in the Pinos shelter.

One needs to observe the artwork closely in order to discover a woman with her arms shaped like a pitcher, as the lines are very fine and the figure measures only a few centimetres. (1)

(1) Info Benissa (2014). Descobreixen noves pintures rupestres a l’Abric de Pinos. (New rock paintings discovered in the Pinos shelter). InfoBenissa, Benissa online at https://www.infobenissa.cat/noticies/general/descobreixen-noves-pintures-rupestres-a-labric-de-pinos/

info Benissa

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