I'm the rock type


Don't trade old paths for new ones.
Popular saying

La Vall d’Ebo

L'avenc d'Enmig

The CE d'Alcoi explored the so-called Avenc d’Enmig for the first time in 1953. In 1961, R. Pla of the CE d’ Alcoi created the first topographic representation and, in 1980, reviewed it thoroughly with O. Trelis, R. Casasempere, A. Sánchez, and his own son Rafael.

From the road that goes from Pego to Ebo and at about kilometre 8.4, at coordinates 4300175N 749133E, take a mountain path that leads to the Ample, Estret and Enmig sinkholes, following the path to a mountain shelter. At coordinates 4300159N 748881E is Avenc Ample, located to the left. At coordinates 4300444N 748522E, the track makes a curve leaving space for the parking of up to two vehicles. This point is one kilometre away from the road. A small sloping ravine opens to the left, and the Avenc Estret and the Avenc d'Enmig can already be seen on the left. From this point onwards, it takes no more than 5 minutes on foot.

Its wide mouth measures up to 30 metres in its maximum diameter, closing at 5 metres from its beginning. It thus frames a real approximate opening of 20 x 15 metres from the level where some terraces are formed, starting the verticality. The first well from the anchor point reaches 80 metres vertically, maintaining an average width of 8 x 15 metres from north to south. At its northern end, the wall forms vaults, penetrating and joining up with a vertical tube that reaches 35 metres of height from its base, being separated by large mudflows that determine the two parts of the cavernous complex.

The main floor (P) has a length of 12.5 metres and a width of 3 to 5 metres, being oriented from N 27º E to S 24º W. The floor is covered by a large cone that follows the northeast slope along the length of the room with an inclination of 48º. To the southwest of the floor in question, a horizontal platform is formed. At this end, a large drain or outflow almost nine metres high connects the floor (P) with the south end of the large tube, with two small sinkholes to the west of the drain or outflow. The third and fourth chasms are two small tubes, reaching 10 metres deep within each one, although, due to the difference in elevation of its entrance pipe, the third chasm reaches a depth of 69 metres and the fourth one a depth of 83 metres. To the northwest there is a small room located in the west wall, about 5 x 2 metres in surface. Its roof forms a large tube connected to the main descent well.

At the end of the erosion cone and at its N 24º E end, right under the descending vertical, a 120-centimetre-high by 80-centimetre-wide passage opens that leads to a small two-metre-deep chasm leading to the entrance of the square-shaped floor (M) with a surface area of ​​5 x 4 metres and a maximum height of 3 metres. In the northwest corner, some impenetrable holes connect it to the chasm (1). Towards the east, the roof rises considerably and reaches a chimney of significant dimensions at a height of 10 metres. To the east of the small room is chasm two, which is 7.6 metres deep measured as an absolute vertical, where there is another entrance about two metres above that, open in the north wall, in which one can find an easily accessible ramp that gives way to the floor (S), located about 7 metres above the floor (M).

This small floor has, to the west, a chasm split open on the wall, the vertical of which is 14 metres deep. Its base is the west crack of the floor (I), with direction north-northeast to south-southwest. Likewise, the small platform (S) is open at the southern end to the main chasm or entrance well, and forms a balcony above the floor (M) on the east side.

Once again, at the base of chasm two, and above the apex of the erosion cone of the floor (I), to the southwest of the room a 20-metre gap opens, with the deepest point to the northeast (elevation 107 metres). To the west, the roof, which reaches a height of 5 metres, descends, forming a roller with the floor where there is another vertical crack; the base of the aforementioned chasm, the floor of which is usually muddy.

info La Vall d’Ebo

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