I'm the rock type


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La Vall d’Ebo

Barranc dels Penyals

It was found and explored in May of 2002 by R. Plan and Fco. Pavia, members of the CE d’Alcoi. This ravine can be accessed from the road that goes from La Vall d'Ebo to La Vall d'Alcalà. Leave the vehicles at kilometre 11, parking on the side of the road, and continue in the direction of Ebo, on foot, for about 225 metres until the boundary between Ebo and Alcalà (at the coordinates 4299080N 743290E). At this point, head south towards the mountain range in front, across the fields. Leaving the road, there is a sinkhole on the right. Pass along its left edge, looking for the best path on stone slabs not invaded by vegetation. The area is a small plain with few technical difficulties, although the thick vegetation and wildness of this mountain area make the crossing a bit of a nightmare. The distance to be covered is no more than 220 metres, reaching the left slope of the ravine known as Barranc dels Penyals at the coordinates 4298838N 743405E, at approximately 550 metres above sea level. The ravine has very precarious facilities and should only be explored during the summer or pre-summer seasons, with about five direct spits with plates without them being re-secured in those points where they are absolutely necessary (visitors are asked not to remove them). During the summer, one can go on this excursion without necessarily wearing a wetsuit, because the water in the pools and potholes is relatively warm. Although the ravine generally does not have vegetation, there is a section where it is so abundant that it is impenetrable, with the aggravating fact that it is mainly brambles that cover the entire bed and a large part of the slopes.

It is very important to note that the Penyals ravine is a very tight area, to the extent that a small avalanche of water can cause a tragedy; at several points the water circulates at high speed through narrow channels, which flow into giant potholes, which lead to deep chasms that fall over other potholes. The whirlpools in them are impressive. Therefore, it is convenient to know the state of the pools, the depth and the amount of water there is in the different months of the year.(1)

(1) Information taken from the website of the Town Hall of La Vall d’Ebo.

info La Vall d’Ebo

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