Fraxinus ornus

Family: Oleacea

Genus: Fraxinus

Common names: Fleix valencià, freixe de flor, fleix (Castells, Ebo, Benirrama, Forna), fletx (Parcent i Benidoleig), fletxera (Parcent, Benidoleig, Sanet i Els Negrals, Benimeli), fleitx (El Ràfol d'Almúnia).

Uses and properties: Medicinal. In folk medicine, fleix was mainly used as a diuretic and depurative. Dioscorides mentions fleitx in chapter 88 of Book I of the Matèria Mèdica, where he says that "the leaves, applied in the form of a compress and drunk with wine, as well as its juice, help those who have been bitten by vipers".

Flowering period: May and June

Life forms: Macrophanerophyte (Macrofaneròfit).

Habitats: Riparian forests. Rocky crevices and cliffs. Garden plants. Non-saline wetlands (wadis, pools, torrents, channels, springs and ditches). Coastal scrub of kermes oak and dwarf palm. Slopes and rocky areas. 

Features: Deciduous tree with smooth greyish bark. The leaves are opposite and divided into broad, unbladed, oval, short-stalked leaflets with toothed margins. The flowers appear at the same time as the leaves and are arranged in terminal panicles forming conspicuous inflorescences; they have four white, elongated, narrow petals. When ripe, the plant produces dry, winged fruits (chambers) that can be dispersed by the wind. 


Information taken from the website i de Pellicer, Joan (2000). Costumari Botànic [2]. Edicions del Bullent

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