Family: Caprifoliaceae Genus: Viburnum Common name: Llorer bord, marfull Uses and properties: Medicinal. Flowering time: January to April Life forms: Macrophanerophyte (Macrofaneròfit). Habitats: Holm oak, holm and cork oak woods. Garden plants. Holm oak and holm oak woods. Gardens. Features: Mediterranean. A shrub that can grow into a small tree, green all year round, two to three metres tall, with greyish adult branches and reddish, hairy young branches, with leaves resembling those of laurel, persistent, opposite, coriaceous, entire, with an ovate, acute or subacute blade, hairless and shiny, intense green on the front, paler and more or less hairy on the back, especially on the stem and the veins. It blooms only at the beginning of the year, in the middle of winter, and produces flowers at the tips of the branches, in thick, sun-shaped, parasol-like racemes. They are white or slightly pink and odourless. Information taken from the website i de Pellicer, Joan (2000). Costumari Botànic [2]. Edicions del Bullent |