Urban routes

Low difficulty routes

Don't trade old paths for new ones.
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Ruta del Centre urbà

15 min.
Technical difficulty
0,53 km
Total elevation gain
9 m

The route starts from the Town Hall of Benidoleig, which is located near Plaza del País Valenciano. Continue along Calle de la Repeu, until you get to the square known as Plaza Vicent Ballester, where you can admire the church known as Iglesia de la Santísima Sangre: this neoclassical church is a small modern temple dating from the 19th century. The parish church occupied the place of an ancient hermitage built in the 17th century, which is something that can be seen in the portico, topped with an austere lintel on which there is a small pointed opening that refers to the Muslim origin of the village. The church, annexed to Orba from a date unknown, became an independent parish in 1802, under the invocation of the Holy Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The temple and the altars, built in 1818 and 1819 respectively, have good sculptures which were created later on. Near the church is the house known as Casa de la Señoría which belonged to the Baron of Finestrat and is, together with the church, one of the most important buildings in the village's historic centre.

Go back along Calle Lluís Pérez until you get to the old school. This building is in perfect conditions after various renovations. There is a large courtyard at the back and one of the details about this school is that there were different classrooms for boys, on the one hand, and girls on the other. Currently, the building is used for various types of functions due to the fact that there is a large auditorium.

info Benidoleig

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