Pinus pinaster

Family: Pinaceae

Genus: Pinus

Common name: Rodeno, maritime pine, resinous pine (Benissa).

Uses and properties: Furniture, construction and tools.

Flowering time: April and May.

Vital forms: Macrophanerophyte (Macrofaneròfit).

Habitats: Heather marshes, siliceous shoots. Pine woods of Pinus pinaster. Saplings and clearings on decarbonised soils.

Features: Large tree that can grow up to 40 metres. Thick, very fissured, earthy bark which exudes abundant resin. Long, strong needles of considerable thickness, dark green in colour. The cones are very large and rounded, sub-circular and slightly pointed.

Notes: It is the ideal pine for resin extraction.

Information taken from the website and from Pellicer, Joan (2000). Costumari Botànic. Edicions del Bullent.

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