Hedera helix

Family: Araliaceae

Genus: Hedera

Common name: Hedrera, heura, hedra (Castells, Laguar, la Vall d’Alcalà and the rest of the territory without exception).

Uses and properties: Medicinal. 

  • Ivy leaves are chewed or crushed and applied to cuts and wounds (benirrama).
  • Ivy ointment for healing wounds and sores (benirrama).

Flowering time: September and October

Life forms: Phanerophyte (Faneròfit).

Habitats: Groves of holm oak, kermes oak and cork oak. Crags and cliffs. Garden plants. Damp, non-saline areas (streams, ponds, torrents, canals, fountains and irrigation channels). Shady places at the foot of rocks, holm oak groves. Common in gardens.

Features: Ivy is a vine that climbs on other plants (e.g. palms in gardens) or, more commonly, on rock faces. It can also be found on the ground under holm oaks. It forms small roots on the branches that support it. The leaves near the fertile branches are rhomboid, while those on the rest of the plant have characteristic palm-shaped lobes. It flowers in late summer and autumn. Due to its widespread use in gardening, there are domestic varieties.  

Information taken from the website http://herbarivirtual.uib.es/ and from Pellicer, Joan (2000). Costumari Botànic. Edicions del Bullent.

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